Mailshots allow you to send an email to a group of people from a project list. 


Once viewing a project select which people you wish to receive the mailshot by checking the checkbox next to each person.




 Next select 'Mailshot' from the 'More Actions' dropdown at the top right of the longlist and press the 'Apply' button.



You will then be presented with a pop out form where you are able to compose your mailshot. 


At the top of the form, you are shown a list of the people that you have checked in as recipients. You are then asked to enter an email subject and to compose the body of your email.


The mailshots are personalised automatically with the recipient’s name in the form of Hi [First name] and then with the consultant's details as a signature following the body copy.


You also have the option to add a file as an attachment to the mailout. If you require multiple files to be attached, simply create a zip folder containing multiple files and then attach this file. 


Note: there is a maximum file size limit of 3MB, so keep your files small!


If you have uploaded a 'Company Terms' file within the settings > Company Information you are also able to attach this to your mailshot. This can be handy if you are using a project to list several hiring managers rather than candidates.


Press 'Send' and your mailshot will be sent out.



Once your mailshot has been sent you are taken through to a summary page that will detail the content of the mailout, as well as when it was sent, which consultant sent it and a list of the recipients.


The 'Sent' column on the recipients list indicates whether the mailout was successfully sent out from the system to each recipient.


To view a full list of all the mailshots that have been sent from a job, once in the longlist, click ‘Mailshots’ from the side menu on the left.