Note: There is a video guide at the bottom of the page.

All our searches use the Boolean search mechanism that work by using a combination of keywords and symbols.

The 5 main searches are:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT
  • ( )
  • “ “

How they work: For the searches to work you need to tick the ‘Use String Search’ box.


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If you would like your results to include two different keywords you would use the ‘AND’ function. E.g., Recruitment AND HR, this will show you search results that include both of those keywords.

A picture containing rectangle

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This function will show you results with either of the keywords you have selected.
E.g., Recruitment OR HR, will bring results with either or both of those keywords.


Not is used to find results that include a keyword and take out ones that have one you do not want.
E.g., Recruitment NOT HR, results will show items with recruitment but also ones that do not include HR. If it was to include both these would not show here.

( ): 

Brackets are used to further define the above three methods. Using this would enable you to search for either ‘OR’ and ‘AND’ at the same time.
E.g., Talent OR (HR and Recruitment), this would show results of the word talent or HR and recruitment, not both.

Background pattern

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“ “:

Quotations can be used to ensure you search for that exact wording.
E.g., if you were to search for ‘Director’ without quotations you would receive results for any word with that in, like ‘Directory’. If you search for “Director” with quotations it will only show you results with that word or phrase.