To send an SMS you need to have your TextMagic API set up by an Admin user, to find out more about this click here.

Within a persons record, you can send them an SMS by clicking ‘SMS Messages’ in the left-hand side menu.

This will take you to the SMS Messages where you can use the text field to type your message. Once you have written your message and are happy with it. Press ‘Send’ in the bottom right corner. A message over 153 characters will be sent as 2 messages. 

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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You will see a text message thread of all messages from yourself and the person whose record you are viewing. It looks similar to an actual text message with your messages on the right and theirs on the left.

Graphical user interface, text, application

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Note: If you have candidates with the same mobile number, any messages received from them will show in both records. This may happen if work mobiles are registered to multiple people.