With Just Recruit’s Plus bolt-on package you are able to send CV files stored in your database directly through the system.
Sending a CV from a job longlist will allow you to select the hiring manager(s) on that particular job that you would like as recipients. If you are looking to send the CV to someone else you will need to do this from the candidate record itself or within a project.
To send a CV from a job longlist to the hiring manager, right click the person who’s CV you would like to send and click ‘Send CV to Hiring Manager’. This will open a pop-out window and automatically attach the candidate’s primary file ready for you to compose your email. The title of the selected file is printed next to the candidate’s name for your reference.
If there is only one file held against a candidate then this will be considered their primary file. If a candidate has multiple files held against them you are able to select which file is marked as Primary from the Files tab on their record by clicking the ‘Make Primary’ link next to the file.
You are also able to send multiple CV files to the hiring manager in one go. Select the candidates from your longlist using the checkboxes then select ‘Send CVs to Hiring Manager’ from the group action dropdown at the top right of the list and press ‘Apply’.
Fill out the email content as you would if sending a single CV and press 'Send'.