To add a new page to your website, choose whether you would like it to appear in the main navigation bar or under the “More” drop-down.

Navigate to Pages, then hover your mouse over either the “HomeorMore” item until “+ New Subpage” appears and click on this.

A picture containing shape

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Now add the page details, the “Page Title” is what will show on the navigation bar or dropdown.

Graphical user interface, text, application

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The “Navigation Text” and “File name” will autofill with the page title.


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From the “Master page” option select ‘Page’ from the drop down.


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Now press “Submit”.

You are then taken to the page regions. Select “Page Content”.

You can add the following to your page:

  • Title Large
  • Title Small
  • Text Area
  • Text Area with Image Left
  • Text Area with Image Right
  • Button Link
  • Video
  • Table

These can all be added to build your page to look how you would like. When adding them use the links below the item you would like to add it under, the order on the editing page is the order that the items will show on your website.

You can reorder the items by holding down on the different areas and dragging them up and down to their desired place on your page.

Graphical user interface, text, application, Teams

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After making changes select “Save changes”.

A picture containing text

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(If you wish for there to be an additional on-page navigation to take you to specified points on the page choose “Page Content (with nav)”.

The nav on the page refers to each “item”, the item once given a title will be listed on your webpage as a contents section to easily navigate through the page. So, add the title of the section within here:

Background pattern

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If you would like to add another item for your navigation, select “Save & add another”.

A picture containing text

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