On the “Pages” page, select “Shared”.

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Now select “Company Logo”.

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In here, click “Select or upload an image” and this will open a lightbox.

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You can choose an image from the already uploaded images within your website resources. To do this select the image and press “Use Selected” in the top right corner.


To make sure that your logo sits neatly in the standard template navigation bar this should be 100px in height.


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If you would like to add a new image as your logo select “Add Asset”. This will open a section to upload a new image.

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Select the image from your computer library and then press “Open”.

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Once pressed, the image will be uploaded to your gallery and automatically be selected. All selected items will show in green.

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Now in the top right corner press “Use Selected”.

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You will now see the image you have selected, make sure you select “Save Changes”.