Once in the longlist, right-click the hiring manager, then select ‘Add Action’. 


Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated



Select the relevant action from the dropdown, add your notes and then click ‘Add Action’ to save.



Description automatically generated with medium confidence

To view the actions against the hiring managers on that longlist, click the teal 'Actions' box at the top of the longlist. 

On the right of the drop-down there will be a list of all action types and number of actions that are logged against the hiring manager(s) on that longlist. 

Note: It will only show you action types that have been logged against hiring managers. 

When you click the action type it will show each action and which hiring manager it is logged against. 

For more information on the action, click the 'eye' icon to the left of the hiring managers name. 


The options that appear here will have been set by an admin user in Settings: Customisation > Hiring Manager Actions.


The number of actions recorded against a hiring manager for a specific job are noted by a number in the Actions column on the list of hiring managers. Click the number to open and view the log of previously recorded actions.