Once in the longlist, right-click the appropriate candidate, then select ‘Add Interview’.
Fill in the information required and click ‘Add Interview’ to confirm.
At the top of the longlist there is a teal box which says how many interviews there are logged within that longlist.
When you click on this teal box it list all interview types and the candidate they are logged against.
To view more information, click the 'eye' icon.
The ‘Type of Interview’ options that appear here will have been set by an admin user within Settings: Customisation > Interview Types.
To automatically email the details of the interview to the candidate along with a message, check the ‘Email interview details to candidate’ box before clicking ‘Add Interview’.
There is also an area to record notes purely for internal purposes - these notes are NOT emailed to the candidate.
The number of interviews recorded against a candidate for this specific job are noted by a number in the Interviews column on the longlist. Click the number to open and view the log of previously recorded interviews.