You can create as many Contract Types as you need, to do this, go to Settings in the top right-hand corner.
Scroll to ‘Contract Types’.
Here you can see all the contract types and if they are temporary types or not.
To create new ones, go to the left-hand side menu and click on ‘Create Contract Type’.
Give the contract type a title, select the box on the right to make it a temporary contract type.
(For more information on Temporary Jobs click here.)
Once you are ready, press ‘Create’.
You can reorder the types if you need to, by using the black arrows on the left. You can drag them up and down.
You are also able to delete any types if you do not need them. To do this click on the ‘Trash’ icon on the right of the type.
All delete items are held in your trash can, so you are able to undo them if you need to. For more information on this click here.